Recent Research Activities on Dynamical Control Systems


报告人:  Ju H. Park,韩国岭南大学首席教授,韩国科学院院士

报告题目:Recent Research Activities on Dynamical Control Systems

报告时间:2019年10月28日  15:00-16:00



In this talk, the recent research activity of the laboratory “Advanced Nonlinear Dynamics and Control” of Yeungnam University, Republic of Korea is addressed. First, some main topics on dynamical systems and networks studied in the laboratory in recent years are briefly introduced. Next, among the topics, the recent results for the stability problem of time-delay systems will be highlighted. Also, as an extension of the analysis of time delays, a new result on the stability of a class of neural networks will be briefly shown. Then, a real application of neural networks conducted in the lab is introduced. Finally, some achievement on the control of complex networks is presented as a hot issue.


Ju H. Park received the Ph.D. degree in electronics and electrical engineering from the Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, South Korea, in 1997. He joined Yeungnam University, Kyongsan, South Korea, in 2000, where he is currently the Chuma Chair Professor. His current research interests include time-delay systems, neural/complex networks, fuzzy systems, multi-agent systems, and chaotic systems. He has published a number of papers in these areas. Dr. Park is a Fellow of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST). He serves as an Editor of the International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. He is also a Subject Editor/Associate Editor/Editorial Board Member for several international journals. He has been a recipient of Highly Cited Researchers listed by Clarivate Analytics since 2015.



