Chromophore-Catalyst Assemblies for Solar Fuels



报告题目:Chromophore-Catalyst Assemblies for Solar Fuels

报告人:Kirk SCHANZE 教授

报告时间:2018年12月4日 上午9:30-11:30

报告地点:2号教学楼(轻化楼)A320 会议室

报告内容:The dye-sensitized photoelectrochemical cell (DSPEC) represents a novel approach to combining molecular chromophores and catalysts with semiconductors to effect light driven production of solar fuels. A multidisciplinary approach has been used to develop and study molecular and polymer assemblies for light driven water oxidation at a DSPEC photoanode and proton reduction at a photocathode. The work aims to understand mechanisms and dynamics for the photoprocesses occurring at the molecular/semiconductor interfaces. The talk will present an overview of work done during the past several years, involving the design, construction and study of molecular and polymer-based assemblies of light absorbing chromophores and catalysts, primarily aimed at water oxidation at the DSPEC anode.


Kirk S. Schanze教授是国际著名高分子科学与光物理学专家,美国化学学会院士。他于1979年在佛罗里达州立大学获得化学学士学位,1983年于北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校获得化学博士学位。在1984-1986年作为Miller Fellow在加州大学伯克利分校开展博士后工作后,他于1986年在佛罗里达大学开始独立教职工作。直到2016年,Schanze教授是佛罗里达大学的University Distinguished Professor and Prominski Chair。现在,他是德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校的Robert A. Welch Chair讲席教授。Schanze教授曾担任Langmuir杂质资深编辑近10年,该杂志为科学院一区。同时,Schanze教授还是美国化学会重要材料学期刊ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (2017-2018 IF:8.097)的创刊主编。
