报告题目:“Data compression and task allocation for smart devices(智能设备的数据压缩和任务分配)”
报告人:Professor Alberto Garcia-Ortiz
报告人简介:Alberto Garcia-Ortiz received the Diploma degree (1998) intelecommunication systems from the Polytechnic University of Valencia,Spain, and the Ph.D. degree (2003) from the Department of ElectricalEngineering and Information Technology, Institute of MicroelectronicSystems, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany. He was withNewLogic, Austria, for two years. From 2003 to 2005, he was a SeniorHardware Design Engineer at IBM Deutschland Development and Research,Böblingen. After that, he joined the start-up AnaFocus, Spain, where hewas responsible for the design and integration of AnaFocus’next-generation vision systems-on-chip. He was appointed Full Professor(2010) at the Institute of Electrodynamics and Microelectronics, University of Bremen, where he currently holds a chair in IntegratedDigital Systems. His research interests include low-power design andestimation, communication-centric design, SoC integration, andvariations-aware design. He serves as an Editor and a reviewer forseveral conferences, journals, and European projects.
报告题目:“An innovative system for firefighting and prevention in mining(一种新型煤矿火灾防控系统)”
报告人: Dr. Max Thomas Stoettner