

报告题目:Data Management of Big Sensory Data



报 告 人:Zhipeng Cai, Associate Professor ,Georgia State University

The ubiquity of information-sensing devices has opened up a large source for Big Sensory Data (BSD), which spans RFID, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs), etc. The amount of sensory data manifests an explosive growth due to the increasing popularity of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The scale of sensory data in many applications has already exceeded several petabytes annually, which is beyond the computation and transmission capabilities of conventional WSNs. In this presentation, the speaker will outline the characteristics and challenges on management of big sensory data. After that, the presentation will cover some recent efforts by the speaker and his students, which includes the following works, 1) Approximate data acquisition for physical world reconstruction; 2) kernel dataset extraction from big sensory data; and 3) integration model construction for multimodal sensory data.


Speaker Biography


佐治亚州立大学副教授,IEEE 高级会员。是IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (CCF A类期刊)、IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology、International Journal of Sensor Networks, IEEE Acces, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, IEEE Network Letter的编委,IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 、Theoretical Computer Science 、Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 和Algorithmica 的特约编委,国际会议WASA (International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications,CCF C 类)指导委员会主席。国际会议IPCCC ( International Performance Computing and Communications Conference,CCF C类)指导委员会委员。国际会议ICDCS,COCOON,COCOA,BlockChain的程序委员会主席/副主席。他曾数次担任IEEE INFOCOM, ACM Mobihoc, IEEE ICDCS 等国际学术会议程序委员会委员。蔡志鹏教授的主要研究方向是网络数据安全和隐私保护,传感大数据的管理。作为项目负责人承担了6项研究项目,总金额达200 万美元.他曾获得美国国家科学基金NSF CAREER Award。蔡志鹏教授近共发表100篇学术期刊论文以及60篇学术会议论文。其中包括了近40篇IEEE/ACM Transactions、4篇IEEE Internet of Things、13 篇IEEE INFOCOM论文。


